
Understanding the Probate Process in Illinois: What You Need to Know Before Selling a Property

  The probate process can be confusing and overwhelming, particularly when you inherit property that you need to sell. If you're navigating probate in Illinois, understanding how it works and the steps involved in selling property during probate is crucial. Whether you're an executor of the estate, an heir, or simply looking to liquidate property quickly, this guide will break down the key aspects of probate in Illinois and what you need to know before selling a property. What is Probate and Why Does it Matter in Illinois? Probate is the legal process of administering a deceased person's estate, which includes verifying their will, paying debts, and distributing assets. In Illinois, probate is handled by the circuit court in the county where the decedent lived. The probate process can be lengthy, sometimes taking a year or more, depending on the complexity of the estate. When someone passes away, their assets, including any real estate, must go through probate unless the pr...

5 Red Flags to Look for When Buying a Single-Family Home for Investment in IL

  To be successful as an investor is to make the numbers add up to the highest return on your investment dollar in passive income. Done right, investing can be very profitable and provide security for your retirement. In addition, diversification offers you a well-balanced portfolio, building in a hedge against inflation. You should have investments from every market sector, which brings us to single-family homes. Read on as we explore five of the red flags to look for when buying a single-family home for investment in IL. Location If you don’t get a good feeling about the property’s surroundings, this is one of the red flags to look for when buying a single-family home for investment in IL. Even the best single-family home can’t outweigh a bad neighborhood and affects property values, rental rates, and issues with occupancy, damages, and crime. Unfortunately, new investors often find the least expensive property available without considering how the location c...

What Belleville Investors Should Know About All-In-One Loans

  Enter the all-in-one first lien HELOC, which functions much like a line of credit on a credit card; daily deposits in the account guiding the interest rate paid for the principal that day. Specific banks offer the all-in-one loan, which brings your primary mortgage, checking, and savings account together in a combination loan, which borrowers can access like a regular bank account for deposits and withdrawals. In addition, this feature allows you to borrow money and pay it back as often as you like over the 30 year loan period without refinancing. These loans are best suited to borrowers with stable cash flow or periodic large influxes.  All-in-one loans can drastically reduce the time it takes to pay off a mortgage loan, saving these borrowers thousands in interest. The interest on a fixed-rate home equity line of credit (HELOC) takes decades to overcome, adversely impacting your finances and decreasing your potential monthly cash flow. The savings in the a...

5 Reasons to Avoid Working With an Agent When Buying Property in Belleville

  If you are in the market to buy a property it is helpful to understand the pitfalls that can accompany working with real estate agents. Read on as we explore five reasons to avoid working with an agent when buying property in Belleville. Commissions Likely the first reason buyers decide to avoid working with an agent when buying property in Belleville is because while sellers do pay the commissions, the additional cost the sellers and buyers agent fees add to the sales price are built into the price you will pay as a cushion to ease the blow. Working with a professional investor like the pros at Cardinal Creek Properties offers an alternative to a real estate agent that can save you money while providing expert advice because there are no commissions or hidden fees to worry about. Feeling Heard Another reason to avoid working with an agent when buying property in Belleville is the difficulty in finding someone who understands your wishlist and will sho...

5 Red Flags to Look for When Buying a Multi-Family Property in IL

  When done right, investing in multi-family properties can be a lucrative real estate investment. The shared features and proximity of the units can mean added savings for you as the owner and a higher monthly income from the time and investment into one real estate transaction. Read on as we explore five red flags to look for when buying a multi-family property in IL. Adding Up Sellers can be unrealistic about the value of a property. Some aren’t willing to budge, which will ultimately waste your valuable time, so move on if they state they won’t negotiate the price when it’s reasonable to do so. The facts on paper or presented to you verbally when compared to the realities about your investment need to come into complete alignment when you run your calculations to check for positive cash flow. If something isn’t adding up, this is one of the red flags to look for when buying a multi-family property in IL.  Lingering Suppose the property has been li...

Pros and Cons of Financing Your Belleville Investment Property

  Before you lay out cash for your next investment property or seek out financing, there is a great deal to consider. While each investor may find one method of buying investment property more favorable than another, both have drawbacks yet benefit investors.  Read on as we discuss the pros and cons of financing your Belleville investment property.  Pros Time For beginners, financing your Belleville investment property gives you the time to build equity and get started on building your real estate portfolio sooner rather than later. In real estate, the benefits realized from taking out a mortgage if you don’t have the cash far outweigh the opportunities and years of appreciation on the investment property that would be lost waiting until you saved enough money to begin. Leverage You can generate better cash flow by financing your Belleville investment property. By taking on the risk of a mortgage, you benefit from higher cash-on-cash ret...

5 Tips for Buying a House in Belleville Without Seeing it First

  Buying a house sight unseen and being delighted with the results may sound like a monumental task. However, with a representative on the ground in Belleville, you can accomplish every step of the process from the comfort of home. It is helpful to know that many others have been very successful with remote home buying; it has become commonplace for buyers like you to close remotely without ever physically entering the property.  Whether you are across the country or the world, we have gathered the information for buyers like you. So read on to explore these five tips for buying a house in Belleville without seeing it first.  Research Determine what you are seeking, so you can focus on properties matching your criteria by researching before buying a house in Belleville without seeing it first. For example, are you looking for a neighborhood with good schools? Would you prefer being located within a specific distance of work or shopping? Narrowing d...

Pros and Cons of Paying Cash for Your Belleville Investment Property

  While an opportunity for an investment property may arise where cash is king because of unique circumstances, there are other times you may need to dethrone your cash because it’s not in your best interest to use it as your payment method. You may wait a long time if you’re waiting until you’ve saved enough cash to buy a property. Additionally, if a rare opportunity should come along, your cash-only philosophy may cause you to miss out on a highly profitable investment. Read on as we explore the pros and cons of paying cash for your Belleville investment property.  Pros Speed When you pay cash for your Belleville investment property, you have the power to move swiftly and close on bargains mere days after they hit the market. As the trend for home sales is exceptionally fast-paced, many properties are selling the day they are listed, cash buyers often make the first offer, which can sometimes make all the difference in getting a great deal. ...

5 Things You Should Know About Buying Belleville Investment Property With a Group

  Did you know that in 1961 a group of 3,000 investors purchased the Empire State Building, many of whom invested only $10,000?  Investment groups or real estate syndications are a unification of effort and ultimate decision-making that allows the group to benefit from the shared knowledge and experience of the members to earn a high return on more significant investment properties, such as apartment complexes. In addition, as rents and Belleville property values tend to keep pace with inflation, you have a built-in hedge against inflation.  While each member of the investment group shares in the monthly cash flow and divides the profits when exiting the investment, you also share the risks, so consider the group you work with carefully. Find a good team by performing due diligence; your checklist should involve a review of their track record for beginners. You will also want to explore their portfolio and consider how long they have been operating, the ...

4 Tips for Interviewing Prospective Tenants for Your Belleville Rental Property

  With your investment strategy lined up, it’s time to prepare yourself for the tenants in your investment properties. But before you put on your landlord hat and begin conducting interviews, as a landlord, you’re responsible for being aware of local, state, and federal laws that govern discrimination and your screening criteria for tenants.  Now, of course, every investor seeks out the perfect tenant, one that never causes damage and is always timely with their payments, renewing their lease year after year. No matter how sound your investment is, without good tenants, your income stream is unsteady. Good tenants are the backbone of successful real estate investment portfolios. But how do you sort through the hundreds of applicants to find these gems? Read on as we explore four tips for interviewing prospective tenants for your Belleville rental property. Prescreen Our first tip for interviewing prospective tenants for your Belleville rental propert...

How to Know if You Should Sell Your Investment Property in Belleville

While you watch the market fluctuate and consider any adjustments that may be necessary for your real estate portfolio, it can be challenging to know if the timing is right to exit a holding. Now, if you’ve selected sound investments, you are likely in a position where you can hold the property or sell, depending on what is best for the growth of your investment business. Otherwise, the market fluctuations may be the controlling factor in your decision. We will explore how to know if you should sell your investment property in Belleville. Location Are sales hot or just beginning to pick up in the neighborhood? The current demand for the area is one way to know if you should sell your investment property in Belleville. When a community is up and coming, you can focus on the features that are now drawing buyers to the area and show buyers the signs of new life coming into the neighborhood. On the other hand, if the site is on the decline, with crime statistics ris...